Meet Kais Khan, Hope For Three’s December Autism All-Star!
At just two and one-half years old Kais was diagnosed on the autism spectrum. Now at age six, through hard work, Kais continues to show great improvement in his communication skills and behavior, making his family very proud.
Kais and her sister Ava, age 8, are best friends and enjoy playing together. The relationship between the siblings has grown through ABA therapy at Fast Track, where Ava is allowed to participate in, making their bond stronger.
Kais is a ray of sunshine to his family; he is very jolly and silly and has a sweet, happy-go-lucky disposition. A few months ago, he said, “Mommy, I love you” for the very first time, a memorable moment for his mother Sophia.
Kais has an amazing memory! His favorite things are animals and dinosaurs and running around with endless energy. He recently has taken a liking to drawing and coloring and is doing great in his new swimming lessons.
Kais’ ability to go with the flow, not letting things upset him, and his sweet mischievous look that warms everyone’s hearts, are what make Kais an Autism All-Star.