Hope For Three is providing Caregiver Empowerment sessions to parents, caregivers, and extended family members. Vital training, tools, and valuable resources will help your child(ren) live their best life possible.
We encourage parents and caregivers to attend each of the sessions. However, it is also mandatory to attend two sessions (of your choice) in a 60-day period to receive, or continue to receive, financial awards from Hope For Three Family Assistance and Resource Support programs. Sessions are required for Quick Assist awards also.
Zoom sessions are virtual and hosted by Samantha Katchy, M.A., BCBA, LBA. Zoom link provided 24-48 hours in advance of each session(s).
Register Here!
ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86574363341?pwd=WXY4b3Bva3F4cVpOTGxlWEhRZlNNdz09