We are proud to introduce our October Autism All-Star, 18-year-old Jillian Hahn! Jillian graduated high school in May 2022, proving to beat all obstacles in her path. Hurdles, including continuing her education and the very disorienting loud noises and bright lights accompanying walking the stage to graduate.
Jillian is headstrong and gives everything she does 100% effort, even if it deems challenging at first. Like many individuals with autism, or those who struggled in school, Jillian lacked confidence in her studies and herself. She spent countless hours and weeks in various therapies, refusing to be knocked down by a challenging session. The numerous therapies also built confidence within Jillian and confirmed she IS as deserving as the person sitting next to her in finding her self-worth.
It is this resilience that earned Jillian her diploma and the title of October 2022 Autism All-Star. This newfound self-worth cannot only be attributed to therapies but comes from Jillian being the outstanding individual she is. Jillian has a “heart of gold” and cares deeply for others, especially her older sister. It’s often said, “One could only dream of having a close bonding relationship with their sibling.” This statement is a testament to what an amazing sister Jillian is and disproves the stigma of individuals with autism not being social. Jillian also enjoys writing, which is a beautiful method of communication.
Since graduating, Jillian has navigated to and from college on her own and the campus! She is taking on college “like a boss!” Everyone at Hope For Three is thrilled to watch her continue to thrive with autism and plan for a successful future. Jillian’s resilience, newfound confidence, and friendly attitude make her a role model in the autism community and an Autism All-Star!