Hope For Three is honored to announce our second-time nominated April Autism All-Star, Grant Maniér. Locally known as Jigsaw Grant, the co-author, award-winning Eco-artist, and special needs advocate has been making strides in his social life, academic, and professional life.
Grant’s artistic abilities began at a young age; loving to draw, paint, and express himself. After his diagnosis of autism at the age of eight, Grant started to redirect his need to tear and cut paper into positive self-expression, creating beautiful works of art. With a love for the natural world, Grant’s art is made entirely of recycled materials to improve the environment, but with his relationship with the planet, we call home.
Now 26, Grant was accepted into the SSM Health Treffert Center, where his artistic abilities are fostered, and his academic, professional, and life skills are expanded. Grant can drive and hold more independence due to the center being in a smaller town! Once things began looking up, a speed bump appeared in the road; Grant was diagnosed with cancer. Grant still views the world with beautiful sparkle, leaving him as inspired as ever in his artwork. He continues to attend school, work on his art, and serve as an inspiration and advocate for many children with autism and now with cancer. With the support of exceptional doctors, the community, and his “Momanager,” Julie Coy, Grant feels supported and strong as ever. Grant attributes his strength and accomplishments to his mom, “She is extraordinary in her love and support!”
Grant’s courage, strength, perseverance, and hard work as an Eco-Artist landed him as our talented, determined April Autism All-Star. He refuses to allow his autism to prevent him from attaining his goals and feels it shouldn’t prevent anyone else from reaching theirs.
He’s a remarkable young man who consistently believes, “It’s not what you can’t do but what you can do that makes a difference.”