How to Prepare Autistic Individuals for the Holiday Season
The holiday season can be a challenging time for autistic individuals. Large crowds, loud noises, and unfamiliar routines can be overwhelming and stressful. However, there are several things that parents and caregivers can do to help loved ones prepare for and enjoy the holidays.
Create a Visual Schedule
A visual schedule can help autistics understand what to expect during the holidays. The schedule should include pictures or symbols representing key events, such as family gatherings, parties, and gift exchanges. It should also include information about the time and location of each event.
Practice Social Skills
Individuals with autism may need to practice interacting with others in social situations. Include practicing greeting people, making eye contact, and having conversations. Role-playing can be a helpful way to practice social skills.
Provide Sensory Breaks
Breaks may need to happen often in social situations to avoid becoming overwhelmed. The breaks can be spent in a quiet room or doing calming activities, such as listening to music or playing with a fidget toy.
Limit Exposure to Loud Noises
Loud noises, such as New Year fireworks and music, can be very distressing for autistic individuals. It is essential to limit exposure to loud noises as much as possible. Consider bringing earplugs or headphones if you are attending an event with loud noises.
Be Patient and Understanding
It is essential to be patient and understanding with autistic people during the holidays. They may not always be able to handle social situations or changes in routine. Providing them with the support and understanding they need and deserve is crucial.
Following these tips can help your autistic loved ones prepare for and enjoy the holidays.